

The RJRGLEANER Communications Group has a strong commitment to serve, this is substantiated by its support for various organizations and institutions in the joint quest to improve the social and moral standing of people of all walks of life.

Some of the company’s major beneficiaries were supported, mostly through promotion and donated airtime which were valued at just over $20M. Beneficiaries included the PSOJ Crime Stop, PALS (Peace and Love in Schools), United Way, Heart Foundation, Jamaica Cancer Society, as well as a long list of community-based and government agencies such as the Child Development Agency, the JCDC and Police Civilian Oversight Authority.

The company continues to place special emphasis on the needs of the young and the elderly and championed its own Community Outreach programmes, namely the Golden Age Home, Cluster C in East Central Kingston, and the Citizens’ Advice Bureau Basic School, located at 29 Beechwood Avenue, Kingston 5, which is in close proximity to the RJR headquarters, Broadcast House.

The Golden Age Home which caters to the elderly and indigent, celebrated its 25th anniversary in the current year. It has had the full support of the RJRGLEANER Communications Group over these many years. The Group was recognized at the 25th anniversary banquet for its commitment and service and for being the first sponsor of one of the eight Clusters of the Golden Age Home, meeting some of the needs of the 67 residents of Cluster C. The Golden Age Home is the largest facility of its kind in the Caribbean. A blissfully calm complex providing a safe and clean environment for senior citizens in the parishes of Kingston and St. Andrew, the facility is home to some 403 residents.

Customarily, several treats are held for the residents of Cluster C throughout the year, including the usually well anticipated Easter Treat where, with the support of sponsors, the company provides bun and cheese. Activities for the residents include a special “Day of Care” which was also staged with the kind assistance of Leonora’s School of Beauty and contestants from the JCDC/TVJ National Festival Queen Competition provided grooming services for the residents. These activities are complimented by a Christmas Treat, as well as other events including sightseeing trips, visits to the theatre. The company also provided the residents with much needed items, such as linen, towels, nonperishable food items, personal care items and toiletries.

The RJRGLEANER Communications Group continues to support the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) Basic School with its over 280 students, aged 3-6years. The institution is  acknowledged as being perhaps the best Early Childhood Education facility in the Zone 6 area.

Current administrator, Retd. Major Frank McCaulsky and Cluster C Supervisor, Mrs. Yvonne Thomas stated that they are always happy to see the RJRGLEANER Communications Group staff and their volunteers. Throughout the year, Mrs. Norma Brown-Bell, the Group’s Community Outreach Officer and her team of volunteers visit the Cluster to share with residents. 

The CAB students continue to excel in all their activities, internal and external. The school has three houses. One of these, Spaulding House, which was named after the RJRGLEANER Communications Group Chairman and was the run-away winner of the schools’ inter-quiz competition held in March, 2009. 

The untiring efforts of the staff headed by Principal, Mr. Nigel Francis, and the guidance and direction of Board Chair, Mrs. Norma Brown-Bell seems all set to take the RJR Communications Group’s Outreach programme and commitment to the next level.

The RJRGLEANER Communications Group demonstrated its caring spirit by harnessing the warmth and resources of the Jamaican people in the aftermath of the February 12, 2010 devastating earthquake in Haiti. The rallying cry resulted in solicited cash donations totaling $18M, from people of all walks of life, including the Group’s initial contribution of $250,000 and over 20 truckloads of food and clothing that were sent to the relief of our Caribbean neighbours.

The RJRGLEANER Communications Group’s commitment to nation building, through its community and outreach programmes, has been long and distinguished and is well appreciated because, as the beneficiaries echo “WE CARE”.